Less Walk, More Talk
Aye, it seems FALL is upon us…not our least favourite season, but it does tend to wind down the opportunity for outdoor events! Our Pyrate Lore & Harbour Walks™ are finished for the season – though we may brave the outdoors for yer group if ye gather a crew together (contact us for a parley – 10 person minimum).
Now, if yer truly interested in Pyrates, history and a few tales o’ adventure, we ARE available for speaking engagements for almost any group! Schools,Libraries, Museums (we only teach true history – often more accurate than yer average history book), Legions, Social Groups, Special Events…let us know what ye have in mind and we’ll come to an accord.
Remember, nothing is more interesting (or bizarre) than real history – and none better to share these tales with ye than two real Pyrates! (We’re both Historians, related to Pyrates and the QM is also an Archaeologist with a specialty in Battlefield Archaeology)