Nautical Disasters…And Ice Cream

Now that we have yer attention….Pyrate Lore & Harbour Walks™ Thursday, 6 July at 7pm in Downtown Port Colborne…aka “The Canal District”

Pyrates in Old BookTrue Pyrate history & knowledge, pyracy on the Great Lakes, shipwrecks, the War of 1812 and a secret about the Welland Canal ye’ll likely never hear anywhere else!

Meet us at the Compass by Bridge 21 (corner of West St. & Clarence St. – Port Promenade); we prefer ye to book online (below), but will happily take yer doubloons on the spot!

Adults: $15
Children (6-16, must be accompanied by an Adult): $5
Family (2 Adults, 2 Children): $30
Our route is generally accessible (mostly paved ground).

Cash or Credit Card accepted. Canadian or US funds at par. No refunds – though a “rain check” may be issued once.

“WHAT ABOUT THE ICE CREAM?!?” Belay that shouting! Ye can get all manner & sizes o’ Ice Cream, Milkshakes and candy by the bucketload right across the street at Candy Safari – it’s Pyrate Approved™!

[su_button url=”” style=”bubbles” background=”#ed0000″ color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ icon=”icon: anchor” icon_color=”#ffeb16″ text_shadow=”1px 1px 1px #000000″]Reserve now![/su_button]

NOTE: Thursdays are also “Cruise Nights” – Clarence St. is closed for two blocks o’ great classic cars – please use the free parking in the municipal lot on King St. at Princess St. (next to the Museum, just a few feet from Clarence St.).

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